Twilight fiber-flat ------------------- :Mode: Twilight fiber-flat :Usage: Offline, Online :Key: MegaraTwilightFlatImage :Product: :class:`~megaradrp.types.MasterTwilightFlat` :Recipe: :class:`` :Recipe input: :class:`` :Recipe result: :class:`` Depending on the final performance of the ICM (provided by the GTC) at F-C the twilight fiber-flat mode (proposed in this section) might be offered as optional to the observer or a must should a proper data reduction be required. In any case this must be always available as an observing mode. The twilight fiber-flat observing mode should include the actions required to calibrate the low-frequency sensitivity variation in the spatial direction of the detector. In principle, the lamp fiber-flat should suffice to correct the change in sensitivity along both the spatial (fiber-to-fiber relative transmission) and the spectral direction of the system. The latter only combined with flux standard-star observations since the spectral shape of the ICM lamps is not known with enough accuracy. The twilight fiber-flat is based on the observation of the blank twilight sky. This can safely assume to homogeneously illuminate the entire MEGARA field of view (3.5 arcmin x 3.5 arcmin). Requeriments ++++++++++++ The focal plane should be uniformly illuminated with twilight-sky light. As the illumination conditions change during twilight, each image set has a different exposure time. The purpose is to obtain a similar (linear) level of DUs at the detector (counts) under different illumination conditions. This mode requires having the focal-plane cover configured (at least one of the sides should be open), the instrument shutter open, the telescope tracking, to move the pseudo-slit to that of the instrument mode of choice, to configure the VPH wheel mechanism in order to select the grating to be used, to move the focusing mechanism to the position pre-defined for the specific VPH of choice and to take a series of exposures with different exposure times and to readout the detector for this series of exposures, being these series the twilight image set, each with a different exposure time, but with similar level of counts. Procedure +++++++++ The "User" processes an observing block obtained in the observing mode Twilight Fiber Flat. This mode includes the required actions to obtain a master illumination flat field. The master illumination flat field generated is used in other stages of the data processing. Products ++++++++ Twilight-sky fiber-flat image sets are expected to be obtained as part of the routine calibration activities performed by the observer since are needed for processing any scientific-valid data. Therefore, this observing mode should be considered as part of the "Daily Calibration Modes". A RSS master illumination flat field, QA flag, a text log file of the processing and a structured text file containing information about the processing. Recipe, inputs and results ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. autoclass:: :members: .. autoclass:: :members: .. autoclass:: :members: